Friday 12 March 2010

I have been working in a Salvation Army Charity Shop for just over a year ... very interesting and definitely more than just a shop... we are multi tasking! Went on SA Shop Info Day this week (thank you Beverly)and got an update on how the SA endeavours to meet the needs of people who visit the shops and community centres etc. Today in conversation with a customer I discovered that her Aunt was an Officer in SA in the 1920's and she is very proud of that connection. Collecting goods from a house I was told that they like to support SA because they traced her brother. Yesterday one of the older customers brought some soup in for our lunch
; this is an ongoing appreciation because we helped her with application to SA tracing services who put her back in touch with her absent son. My car is full of bags of donated goods for the shop and I will be back there at 09.30 tomo so GN n GBY

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