Saturday 13 March 2010

I came in early at about 09.00 as I had a car full of bags that I had collected last night. The problem is that we never know which day will be busy ... yesterday was wet and cold so the monthly Farmers' Market cancelled ... and we missed out on the potential of new customers but c'est la vie! Today was mediocre weatherwise but we did ok with a few top sales and a constant trickle of customers. One lady bought 4 gift sets of toiletries to use in fundraising for the Hospice. In conversation with a man who bought a bookcase I discovered his hobby is repair and maintenance of concertinas and that he will use it to store concertina parts so I got his phone number just in case! Talking of which I was told off by a woman who said that I had failed to turn up for a date with her husband!!! Another guy came in and said that he had been thinking all night about a copper plate on display and decided to come back for it; I remarked that it was an interesting item from overseas displaying a Mosque and he said that it would be better if it was made in UK and without a Mosque, so why did he buy it??? There were 4 of us working today so I got off a bit early and gave Banger, my Jack Russell Terrier an extra walk and then I did a bit of shopping for me!

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