Friday 26 March 2010

A customer recently bought a budgie cage but had no budgie to go in it so I undertook to find a budgie for her! This I did but when the budgie wasready to leave the nest, the customer was unable to take it immediately as she had the builders in and so I had to arrange a temporary home! The same customer asked me to collect some things for the shop which turned out to be her teapot collection, so we now have a window display stand covered in teapots ... but not for long we hope! A man asked for cookery boks yesterday and having pointed him in the right direction I was a bit confused when he returned to the counter with a book entitled Great Disasters ... suppose it might have been a cookery book??? The local paper has noted that the Farmers Market has been SAVED by the Salvation Army ... wonder if they know??? We have undertaken the organisation at present rather than let it disappear. Hopefully it brings more people to Jackson Road where we are situated because the road is pretty dead.

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